Term 3, Week 8
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Wow! What an amazing time we had last week for swimming. As usual the program was a great success with Immanuel providing fantastic instructors and facilities. Our students had the best time! Many, many thanks to all our wonderful volunteers - we really couldn't do it without you.
Next week, a large number of our Year 5/6 students will be heading to West Beach for the SACPSSA Cricket Carnival. This carnival places an emphasis on having fun and participating, and is one that our students look forward to each year. The Cricket carnival, along with Sports Day, wrap up our sporting events for the term. Term 4 includes the SACPSSA Athletics Carnival for Year 3-6 students and trials for this will start to get underway during the last 2 weeks of this term and in the beginning of Term 4.
Our students and community are busily preparing for our upcoming Sports Day on Friday September 20. Sports Day is an important event in our school year. It provides the opportunity for students to display their sporting skills, compete in their sports teams and, most importantly, have a great time together through building relationships within an inclusive and supportive team environment. The Sports Day program has been distributed via School Stream and children have also been given a hard copy last week. We look forward to seeing a big turn out from parents and family members at Sports Day – make sure to wear colours supporting your child’s team! It promises to be a great day of celebration in our community. A friendly reminder that Sports Day will include an early dismissal at 2:30pm.
In Week 10, the Year 5/6B class will be hosting our end of term mass in the church. We welcome family members to come along and celebrate this mass with us as we celebrate another successful term of school life at St Bernadette’s. The mass will take place at 9:15am on Wednesday September 25.
Matt and Michelle
This term Class R/1 M have been exploring the importance of mindfulness, with a special emphasis on gratitude and kindness. As part of this journey, students read the story ‘Have you Filled a Bucket Today? By Carol McCloud and have been practicing ‘Bucket filling’. This is a fun and thoughtful way to recognise and appreciate each other. This has been particularly effective in the classroom and school yard.
The students have been learning how small acts of kindness, compliments and positive words can fill someone’s invisible bucket, spreading happiness and positivity throughout our school.
These activities not only foster a sense of community across the year levels but also help students develop empathy, self-awareness and mindfulness in their daily interactions.
Below are some images of us learning to be bucket fillers and not bucket dippers.

Minecraft Education: Reinventing Cities Assignment
As part of our Digital Technologies program, Mr Burns set us a Minecraft task, much to the delight of the entire class! The project involved us redesigning the city of Adelaide to make it a greener/ more ecologically-sustainable place to live. Part of the planning process required us to incorporate advice from at least one of the eight NPCs (non-playing characters), each of whom have a different environmental focus.
I consulted the Transport Planner before I made Adelaide’s streets more environmentally friendly, through the use of green energy bus stops, electric buses and I installed various charging points for electric cars around the city. Shubhan
We spoke with the Recycling Co-ordinator to make Adelaide a better place to live. We focused on a bin system that includes recycling, paper, waste and green materials and we placed these around the city to make Adelaide a more beautiful place that would have less waste. We added a hospital because we know there’s a current need for more hospitals in our city. Rahao & Samar
I had a conversation with the Landscape Architect because I wanted to build a self-serve farm. The farm has animals such as goats, chickens and cows. I also set up crops for fruits and vegetables such as apple trees, pumpkin fields and beetroot. If the people of Adelaide could get food from their own animals and crops, people would be more independent and we wouldn’t rely so much on supermarkets. Lauren
I talked to the Landscape Architect, who told me about the need for cities to have greener buildings and more green spaces within cities. I took his advice and built various forests within my city. More trees means more clean oxygen and less harmful carbon dioxide in the air of our great city. Ryan R
The Urban Planner inspired us to design a sustainable urban community. We constructed a range of fields with different fruits and vegetables. This would enable the people in the local area to be independent with food products, and ensure that they have fresh produce to eat. There is a library in the picture, as libraries are important gathering spaces for communities. Ayanna & Kiana

Important Dates
Assembly RA 2.30pm
Sports Day - 2:30pm dismissal
Festival Choir Day Rehearsal
Festival Choir Performance Evening
End of Term Mass 5/6B 9.15am
Andrew Chinn Incursion
Last Day of Term 3 - normal finish 3.00pm
Please join us!

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Head for the Hills
